星期日, 7月 27, 2008

Randy Pausch 再見!

剛剛在BBC的網站上看到這個新聞- Randy Pausch 在2008/7/25去世了。



US 'last lecture' academic dies

Many found the 'last lecture' inspirational
Randy Pausch, the university professor who created a "last lecture" celebrating life in the face of terminal cancer, has died aged 47.
The lecture entitled Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams became a best-selling book.
Video of the inspirational lecture also became a hit on the internet, where it was viewed by millions of people.
The US academic said that he had delivered the lecture as a guide for his three young children.
He died of pancreatic cancer at his home in Chesapeake, Virginia, said Jeffrey Zaslow, the Wall Street Journal writer who co-wrote the book The Last Lecture.
Fulfilling dreams
Prof Pausch, who taught computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2006.
A year later he delivered his 76-minute speech about fulfilling childhood dreams, living life to the fullest and having fun.
I'm attempting to put myself in a bottle that will one day wash up on the beach for my children
Randy Pausch
He spoke about the dreams he had achieved, such as writing a World Book Encyclopedia entry and experiencing zero gravity.
But he said he learned more from the dreams he had not achieved, such as his desire to be a professional football player.
"I'm attempting to put myself in a bottle that will one day wash up on the beach for my children," the university quoted him as saying.
The book, published in April, was translated into 30 languages and became an international bestseller, the university said on its website.
He is survived by his wife, Jai, and their three children.

星期四, 7月 17, 2008

最後的演講- Part II

這位教授應該不必多做說明,如果你還不認識他,請到網路上搜尋Randy Pausch。在這個短短的6分鐘演講,他提到人生終究難免一死,唯一可以打敗死神的是過的無悔和有意義。也提到了對人和生命的熱情! 我第一個想到的是感謝我可以成為基督徒,除了我死後可以有盼望以外,我的人生也有充滿很多值得紀念和回憶的人和事。

未來呢? 我想要改變-變得更有熱情、更沒有保留、更愛我的太太和小孩、帶給其他人更多的喜悅... 加油!